Tag Archives: Room 5

No Name Comics @ Room 5 – 10/28/07

Brad Stewart
Paul Goebel
Lizzy Cooperman
Murray Valeriano
Rob Delaney
Liz Feldman
Brently Heilbron
Cornell Reid
Brody Stevens

I hit up the show at Room 5 for the first time on Sunday. Brad Stewart runs the show there…I’m not gonna lie to you…he’s a good guy. The venue is really, really cool. Small room, great seating, easy bar access, good sound…and the crowd was great. Right there with 3 Clubs in terms of venues for comedy. Plus, I think Sunday night at 7pm is a stellar slot for comedy in L.A. Plus…it’s FREE and there is no drink minimum. I’m getting food in the restaurant below next time…and my girlfriend and I are making a date out of it. Cheaper than a movie folks.

It’s not a workout room…but it’s a good place to see comedians try out new material in a friendly environment…always a plus in my book. I think if Brad shortens the line-up and adjusts the comedian placement in the line-up a little better…he’s set. BTW…a disclaimer…I don’t know anything about anything…so take what I say with a grain of salt. Let’s check out the comedians:

Brad Stewart –
Brad’s wigger is stellar…I’m tired of these assholes wearing their hats to the side also. I think Brad did about 10 and he was very smooth…and clean…very tough. Looking forward to seeing him again.

Paul Goebel –
Paul seems like he’s been doing comedy forever…he’s a pro. This guy just had weight loss surgery and his ass disappeared…apparently he’s killing his tail bone.

Lizzy Cooperman –
Let me say that the audience seemed to love Lizzy…she got a lot of laughs. I would compare her style to a Robin Williams-like effort. I’m not a fan. That doesn’t mean it’s bad…I just don’t see that as stand-up. I see that as Broadway. If Lizzy was doing a one woman show…she would kill…she’s very talented.

Murray Valeriano –
For some reason nothing is sticking with me on Murray…possibly because I saw the show two days ago…and he was in the middle. I’ll have to see him again…my bad.

Rob Delaney –
I’ve never seen Rob before…and although he tried hitting on my gf (which was actually funny)…he was solid. His closer…which he actually fumbled because it was a new joke was the best. Apparently…he’s ok with his wife farting…but she’s not allowed to cry…or so his mom thinks…hilarious. Love watching comedians work out there jokes.

Liz Feldman –
Another comedian I saw for the first time…and she easily had the set of the night. I can’t wait to see her again. She’s a lesbian with scoliosis…ahh yeah…jokes abound my friend. The best was when she was talking about how the stuff you do in the shower is definitely stuff you wouldn’t do in public. She rocked!

Brently Heilbron –
Brently was workin’ hard…I mean he got up on the stage and did not stop. Like Lizzy…his was more of a performance…than stand-up…in my opinion…but talented and got laughs.

Cornell Reid –
Cornell disrespected the audience in my opinion by going up on the stage drunk…or what appeared to be drunk. It’s shit…comedians shouldn’t do it. I’m sure he’s better than his showing…but don’t go up drunk and waste our time. Not cool.

Brody Stevens –
Honestly…I love this guy. I really do. He is the most unique comedian in the city. “818 till I die!” That never gets old to me. Brody did a short set which disappointed me only because I wanted see him go longer…but he was still awesome. If you want to see a performance outside the norm…go see Brody. Why in the name of Jesus is Brody not a sideline reporter for Fox Sports…really, he’s not better than Andria Kremer or Bonnie Berstein? Somebody is screwing this one up.

No Name Comics – Every Sunday Night
Room 5 7pm
143 La Brea L.A. 90036

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